Friday 27 August 2010

Top 5 Dating Tips for Women

Are you trying to land the perfect guy?  Are you looking for someone who will truly commit to you?  If so, follow these 5 dating tips for women.

#1 – Don’t bring up an ex on an early date.
Ignore this dating tip at your own peril.  If you talk about an ex on one of your first dates, he is going to conclude that you either are not over your last boyfriend or that you are bitter.  In either case, he is not likely to want to get involved with someone who still talks about an ex.

Instead, focus on the man you are with.  Find out what he is interested in and what makes him tick.  Men are very selfish.  They want to talk about themselves, not the last guy you were with.

#2 – Be yourself
Too many women try to “impress” a guy by being someone they are not.  Unfortunately, you won’t be able to keep up the façade.  Instead, you are likely to revert to being yourself.  But if you have led him to believe that you are someone else, he will feel tricked.  While you want to put your best face forward, you ultimately have to be comfortable in your own skin.

#3 – Don’t talk about the future too soon
One of the biggest dating tips for women is to not project a guy you are just getting to know into the future.  You shouldn’t bring up your desire for marriage and children on a first date!  Beyond that, don’t start fantasizing about “happily ever after,” because you will soon work these dreams into your conversations with the new guy.  Instead, have fun and enjoy the guy’s company.  If things seem compatible after a length of time, you still have time to work on the “relationship.”

#4 – Accept compliments
This scenario happens over an over.  A man meets a woman and says the first thing on his mind, “you look nice.”  The woman blushes and starts to explain just how much is wrong with the way she looks.  The hairdresser messed up the cut, the blouse she wanted to wear was at the drycleaner, and so on.
Guess what?  He doesn’t care!  He just thinks you look nice.
The only proper response to a compliment is “thank you.”

#5 – Have opinions
Too many dating tips for women stress that you should always agree with your date.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  It doesn’t bode well to fall for a guy who only wants a sycophant.  In the long run, you are going to want to be with a man who is strong enough to accept your opinions.  In fact, you want someone who will value your opinions and look to you for advice.  If you don’t have this, the relationship will be unsatisfactory to you.  So, don’t start the relationship by pretending that you don’t have any opinions.

So, those are my top five dating tips for women.  Keep them in mind the next time you go out with a man you are attracted to. :)

E-book recommendation:
Calling Men: The Complete Guide To Calling & Emailing the Men You Date
This e-book tells you everything you need to know about calling, emailing, texting the men you date. This is a book written by Mimi Tanner, author "Secrets of Flirting With Men" and "Hard To Get". Don't miss this. ;)

Friday 13 August 2010

Double Dating - Is It For You?

Have you ever go out on a date with the person you don't really know well? As the date progresses, you might realize there is no chemistry among the two of you and you are now in a position you had rather not be in. This can be disastrous.

Double dating can be a good solution in this case, especially if you are on a date with someone you like but are not confident to go out on a date with the person on 1-to-1 basis. It is usually much more easier to keep conversation flowing when there are more people involved, especially when the other couple in the double dating are somebody you know very well of. Some people are more comfortable when trying to get to know their date a little better when their friends are around them.

Dating double can be a positive time for you and your date to branch out and interact with other people, and broaden your peer group as a couple. If you really fancy your date and hope to see them again then why not impress them by taking along somebody that speaks highly of you and puts you in a good light? The way your friends come across and the way they speak about you can give your date a better impression of the type of person you are, and not the type of person you may pretend to be. Getting more people associated with you and your partner as a couple, allows you to show more about yourself to others, and be more open for group activities that can enhance your personal relationship with your partner.

Unfortunately, as with most things in life, there are also minuses to double dating. 

Although double dating can be a really fun time, it could end up a disastrous one. For example, you have been asked to go on a double date with another couple, and you have no knowledge of the other couple. It will be really hard to find things to do that everyone will enjoy during the date. Furthermore, if the other one couple wants to do something that you do not like you might feel obligated to go along when you would rather choose not to.

How about privacy? When you are in a double date, you may not have the privacy you can enjoy in your own dating. You will not be able to discuss your thoughts and share your feelings as you usually will in a double date.

Does double dating suit you? Be sure to weigh the pros and cons before you engage in a double dating. If possible, introduce the other couple to your partner before the date, or at least visually pointing out of who will be going. Make sure you inform you partner and consider the feeling of your partner before and after the double date.

Thursday 5 August 2010

Facing the Challenge of College Dating

What's so challenging about college dating? Let's take a look at this important period of change in a person's life.

Students facing the transition from high school to college are likely facing the biggest challenge they've ever had to face. Expectations are raised, both for themselves and from others. Moving on to college means moving on to a new level of academic performance.

It's the time when most of us move beyond being a not so serious teenager to a very serious adult who is focused on furthering their education and planning for their future. Not only are we expected to think more seriously about ourselves, but at the same time many of us find that we're leaving behind some of the relationships we've formed throughout our earlier school years. Best friends, acquaintances, team members, and even boyfriends and girlfriends are sometimes left behind as we move onto the next important stage in our lives and maturity.

So how difficult is it to handle this serious emotional, physical, academic, and personal change? College life can be intimidating, particularly for those who decide to attend school away from home. Moving away means not only losing the relationships they've grown comfortable with for so many years, but in many cases losing the emotional support system their family has been for them through their younger years. All aspects of college life may be completely foreign to the new college student, and college dating only complicates matters.

Why? Because at times many outgoing and engaging young people who had no problem creating dating relationships in high school may be intimidated by the prospect of dating a new "class" of potential partner.

The thing to remember about college dating is that one shouldn't approach it as such a serious process. There is plenty of "serious" stuff going on in your transition from high school teen to college adult, so to put too much emphasis on being serious about a relationship is not what college dating should be about.

Try and approach college dating as a way to share the college experience with someone who shares similar interests and preferences. Seek out dating relationships with classmates who are studying the same classes or are on the same degree track. In this way, you can be sure that your comfort level is established prior to beginning the formal dating process.

College dating doesn't have to be difficult. A new college student already faces enough of a challenge in this very important stage in their lives, so being too serious about their approach to dating shouldn't overwhelm them. There's plenty of time to be serious about a partner, but if a casual college dating relationship grows on its own into something more substantial, then at least it will come as a result of a natural process rather than an unnecessary focus on being overly serious.